Learn Soundarya Lahari Shlokas Online - January 2022

Type: Online
30.0 minutes
Offer Price: USD 10

Soundarya Lahari meaning waves of beauty consists of two parts Ananda Lahari meaning waves of happiness (first 41 slokas) and Soundarya Lahari, depicting the beauty of the goddess from head to toe( next 59 slokas). 


The Saundarya Lahari is a collection of holy hymns, gives instructions puja on Sri-Yantra and worshiping methods. The 100 different hymns describe the appropriate method of performing devotion connected to each specific shloka, and its benefits.

Topics Covered

All 100 slokas will be covered in 3-4 months

What to expect from the course?

The student will be introduced to different Carnatic classical ragas along with slokas. 


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Benefits of Soundarya Lahari

Lahari means waves, while Soundarya means beauty. This is Mother Lalita's knowledge. Each verse of the Soundarya Lahari imparts wisdom, courage, or success. Soundary
